This morning in Iowa
there was enough ice to delay the start of school by two hours and to convince
me to work at home until things cleared up a bit.
I should have used the
time to work on an upcoming talk, but instead took the easy way out and,
violating my own rule, looked at my email first.
Then, going from bad to
worse, I actually read each of the "optional reading" items:
blog posts, newsletters, and so forth, including the
"abstracts" of every story contained in my daily message from
the New York Times.
And that is how I came across the single most important thing I will read today, this week, and probably for a long time.
I found the obituary of
Sam Berns.

After you read the obituary , watch Sam’s recent Tedx talk.
Do not watch the video
until you are in place where you can weep uncontrollably.
But after
the weeping ends, you will realize you have learned the secret to happiness.
Sam's goal was to change
the world; each of us can help make that happen.
Happy new year